
    Jujutsu Kaisen is a Japanese anime and manga series created by Gege Akutami. It follows the story of Yuji Itadori, a high school student who becomes involved in the world of Jujutsu Sorcery after swallowing a cursed talisman—one of the fingers of the powerful Curse Ryomen Sukuna, thus becoming his host. The series explores themes of curses, sorcery, and the battles between Jujutsu Sorcerers and Cursed Spirits.

    Key Information

    Manga Publication:

    Jujutsu Kaisen began serialization in Weekly Shōnen Jump in March 2018 and concluded in September 2024, with a total of 30 volumes published

    Anime Adaptation:

    The anime adaptation produced by MAPPA premiered on October 3, 2020, and has since released multiple seasons. The first season consisted of 24 episodes, while the second season has recently concluded, covering significant arcs like the Shibuya Incident

    Plot Overview:

    The narrative centers around Yuji Itadori as he joins the Tokyo Metropolitan Jujutsu Technical School to learn how to combat curses while searching for Sukuna's remaining fingers to exorcise him completely. Throughout his journey, he encounters various allies and enemies, each contributing to the overarching conflict between sorcerers and curses

    Cultural Impact:

    The series has gained immense popularity for its compelling characters, intricate plotlines, and high-quality animation. It has also spawned a prequel film titled Jujutsu Kaisen 0 and has a dedicated fanbase that engages with its themes and characters extensively

    Current Status: As of now, fans are encouraged to read the manga starting from chapter 138 to continue the story beyond what has been adapted in the anime, particularly after the conclusion of the second season

    Jujutsu Kaisen continues to be a significant work in contemporary anime and manga culture, recognized for its storytelling and character development.

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